the corner office : tech blog

a tech blog, by Colin Pretorius


cpulimit (via) allows you to throttle specific processes and applications. Just the thing for my stupid-ass laptop which is overheating, partly because the fan needs cleaning but mainly because (as I've come to conclude), Acer laptops are crap.

{2009.09.05 14:39}

Being prepared

When life's a little busy for me as it currently is, I battle to write a blog post a week. Microsoft blogger Raymond Chen averages more than a blog a day and as of Feb this year, had nearly 15 months' worth of blog posts stored up.

{2009.09.03 10:55}

Today's headache

Spring AOP auto-proxying uses CGLIB to generate proxies when necessary. Traditional singletons, easily turned into beans with private constructors and factory-methods, can't be proxied though. Bit of a bother, really.

{2009.08.21 15:29}

Links 2009.08.18

{2009.08.18 17:09}

JVM clock granularity

JVM timers, in particular what you can expect from System.currentTimeMillis() and System.nanoTime().

Stupid Windows.

{2009.08.08 16:20}


Caucho Blog: Why OSGi is cool, but not for most enterprise apps... (via TSS, with some interesting discussion in the comments).

Dependency clashes and incompatibilities can be a real pain, but I'm not convinced (yet) that OSGi's overhead is worth it. Also relevant that 'enterprise' architectures are more likely to get you into dependency trouble - in distributed environments with lots of small, highly modular components, the risk of dependency clashes is lower. Which isn't to say you don't have them, and it's not like you can't benefit from the modularity that OSGi gives you, but I just don't think that the benefits outweigh the costs for many applications.

At the very least, I think tooling would need to progress much further. Stuffing around with manifests and trouble-shooting classpath issues is a drain on productivity. You can afford to take an optimistic approach with something like Maven2, which enables tools which can give you enough information to resolve many problems when they do arise.

{2009.08.06 17:14}

High speed trading

The new bogey man.

Tabarrok's distribution vs efficiency view is interesting. Still, I think technology will win.

{2009.08.04 17:41}

The removal of concepts from C++

A few weeks ago, the C++ standards committee decided to remove 'concepts' from C++0x. This Artima article discusses and has links to opinions from all the important people.

{2009.08.02 05:46}

Links 2009.07.29

A colleague is playing around with GWT, it looks slick and the possibilities intrigue me, but I'm still sceptical about whether web apps can achieve parity with native toolkits. The safe answer looks like 'yes' until I look at the CPU usage on my machine when using Flex or Flash and some JS-heavy apps. Related, some e4 links:

{2009.07.29 07:26}

And behold, I am reborn

Until an hour ago this blog was accessible via I did the magic Apache and Tomcat tweakery and voila, links/ is now permanently redirected to tech/, and a neglected link blog has become a hopefully-not-to-be-neglected tech blog.

I said I was going to do it, then promptly put it off. I realised this evening while googling for an entry on my own link blog tonight and finding nothing, that Google had been visiting my site when I briefly played around with permanent redirects two weeks ago. The permanent redirect was enough for Google to decide that the old blog was gone, but since there wasn't a new blog (yet), it got itself a bit stuck. Hopefully now that everything's nicely re-jigged, I'll be able to start searching this blog again. Hellooo, Google!

{2009.07.28 18:27}

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