{2008.05.08 09:22}
a tech blog, by Colin Pretorius
{2008.05.08 09:22}
Cross-platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets (via). Exactly 8 links to this pdf across the web, but seems to be legit.
{2008.05.04 22:26}
If Eclipse-LazyStart is set to false in MANIFEST.MF, then the plugin's Activator doesn't get invoked.
{2008.05.04 09:54}
... and for a MSVCR80D.dll not found
error, on my machine it was tied to a FAT32 timestamp-related issue. Project Properties / Manifest Tool / General / Use FAT32 Workaround = Yes solves the problem (via).
{2008.04.22 22:58}
MyEclipse has a problem with non-Java files being opened with the wrong font:
Fix only due MyEclipse 6.5. Bah.
{2008.04.19 21:38}
After building MySQL++ libraries, trying to run simple2
results in the error
This application has failed to start because msvcp80d.dll was not found
Solutions: easiest is to toggle switch and disable manifest embedding, but there is a deeper problem (which I'll read up on some day, but not today).
{2008.04.14 23:10}