the corner office : tech blog

a tech blog, by Colin Pretorius

Old software

The blog app has served me well. But after last year's upgrade file uploads broke. I only noticed in Feb, finally sat down this morning and fixed the problem, but uncovered some other bug in the innards of the admin app whence I actually do posting. To fix would require me remembering how Struts works. That, I can't be bothered to do.

I often wonder if I'd save myself some pain if I just set up a wordpress blog and was done with it. It probably would be easy, but then again, a couple of hours of hacking every few months isn't the end of the world. And I remind myself that my crummy blog app has stayed relatively spam free for years, and does exactly what I want it to do (mostly), and I guess I should just be happy and live with it.

{2013.06.15 13:55}

Links 2013.06.14

Interesting... Everything about Java 8.

{2013.06.14 22:29}

Scala redux

I've cracked open Programming in Scala again, after a long hiatus during which No Programming Took Place At Home Because I Was Doing Other Important Stuff. Watch this space, yet again...

{2013.05.13 21:29}

Links 2013.04.14

Perf issues in Eclipse 4.x:

{2013.04.14 09:29}

Links 2013.04.13

{2013.04.13 09:49}


Hardy Heron goes EOL in a month's time and I'm not looking forward to the server upgrade effort that'll entail. 2008 feels like aaaages ago (I guess it was). For all my grumbling about Ubuntu, I'm still rather grateful that a company I pay no money to has made my life so easy for so many years.

{2013.03.10 12:43}


A frightening-as-you-slowly-begin-to-understand-the-severity run-down of recent Ruby on Rails security problems:

This Sounds Like A #$()#%ing Disaster

That is primarily because this is a #$()#%ing disaster.

{2013.02.10 22:55}

Links 2013.01.18

Damien Katz: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of C and a follow up.

Very interesting read. This point in particular got me to thinking about Java circa 2013:

C++ is also a complicated mess, so when you adopt C++ for its libraries and community, you have to take the good with the bad and weird to get the benefits. And there is a lot of disagreement what constitutes bad or weird. Your sane subset of the language is very likely to be at odds with others ideas of a sane subset.

{2013.01.18 23:23}

VBoxVMService. Woe.

One day I'll learn that when prompted to upgrade something, the safest option is almost always 'no' (especially, I might perhaps unfairly add, if it has anything to do with Oracle). The latest version of VirtualBox has broken VBoxVMService and it's now impossible to run the service and the VirtualBox GUI at the same time. If the service is running then trying to open the GUI now gives you an error

Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object. The application will now terminate.

with detail

Callee RC: 

A real pity.

Details in the VBoxVMService wiki: Running VirtualBox GUI together with VBoxVmService.

Update: I reverted to VirtualBox 4.1, but VMs wouldn't start, moaning about VERR_SSM_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_UNIT_VERSION and the like. A bit of googling and the solution is just to right-click on each VM and choose 'Discard Saved State'.

{2012.12.22 10:18}

Links 2012.11.10

{2012.11.10 09:38}

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