the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Tenuous Links

Since deciding to carry on blogging (and before), I've had a bunch of part-formed, half-written posts kicking around in my mind and on my computer. I realised that quite a few of them follow the same pattern: an anecdote or reminiscence, or observation, or small detail, which then sets up, or links, potentially tenuously, to something I'm keen to write more about.

The problem is, you can only really do that sort of thing once before it becomes obvious that you're doing it. Do I just not write these other posts, or write them differently? What to do?

I've decided that the best way around it is just to 'fess up to it - which I'm doing now - and then any time I do it in the coming months, I can just refer back to this post and feel less guilty about it.


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