I like for my chickens to be in the bag before counting them (or something), or in this case, getting the piece of paper in the post. The piece of paper in question being the degree, which arrived in the post last weekend. So now I can go off and update LinkedIn and my about page etc etc.
When I started out I just wanted something which would open a few doors career-wise and allow me to speak the language, so to speak. Looking back I had a pretty naive and misguided idea of what I was in for, but somewhere along the way, I've had my mind opened up not only to new languages, but entire new worlds.
Getting this degree ended up being a lot more pain and work than I'd anticipated, and it came at a pretty steep cost for my family. So at the risk of introducing some acceptance speech cheese, I owe a big thank you to Ronwen and Leo, for putting up with me (and so often the lack of me) and helping me get it done. Thank you to you both, I couldn't have done it without you.