the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius


Only one post during September? That's shocking.

So, the Killing is over. Very good, although you can't help but think they could've squeezed the entire thing into about half the length. Then again, maybe not. I enjoyed the ending while being disappointed at the same time. Now for LoveFilm to hurry up with Series Two.

The most exciting part of September was the on-going 40th birthday season, notably a week on a canal boat on the Kennet and Avon Canal. I got to skipper the thing which I loved. Nothing quite like steering 65' and 20-odd tons of steel down bendy canals, through centuries-old locks and under quaint old bridges that are so picturesque that by the end of a week you're committing the cardinal sin of becoming blase about them. Oh, and across aqueducts. Taking a boat across a water bridge with a beautiful valley beneath you, is something else.

We made our way down to Bath, which is beautiful. Sadly wife and child couldn't stick around long enough to see it on account of the child's edumacation being important or something, but we'll be back soon.

I got off the boat with a gentle sway to my step. It's been a week and sadly the sway has gone, to be replaced by impending-winter trudge. Not that I'm complaining - but at this time of year it is obligatory to indulge in the usual oh-gawd-what-a-shite-summer-and-now-winter-wtf-is-this-country-coming-to? with a healthy dose of persecutory self-pity.


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