Olympics retrospective
So, that was the Olympics. Thoughts and recollections:
contrary to our worst fears, it turned out that Olympic tourists had amazing commuter-repellant properties, and the train rides to and from work were a breeze each day. I miss them already. I wonder whether the Paralympics will see so many people choosing to stay away. Not likely, I don't think.
I think the UK, and particularly London, did itself proud. People were friendly and the whole place just seemed happy.
Bert le Clos made me feel proud to be a South African.
we got to see an Olympic event: Taekwondo, and we got to see Jade Jones whup some poor aunty's ass in the early rounds. I now understand what home crowd advantage means. When you're in a room with a few thousand people all cheering for your opponent, it must trigger some deep psychological stuff centred around 'roll over and play nice doggie and maybe you get out alive.'
I've enjoyed the extended trading hours on Sundays.
I have a strange hankering for McDonalds.