the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Equilibria II

Hrrm. Not that I'm suggesting that rioting hoodie monsters be treated like human-eating lions (blap blap), obviously. Nor being too apocalyptic. Just that it wouldn't surprise me if these sorts of outbreaks and random attacks happen more often in future.

Now that things seem to have quietened down, I guess the navel-gazing will begin in earnest.



1. sal (2011.08.12 - 10:32) #

oh, i dunno.i wouldn't mind if they did.
i mean, we cull badgers for less, right?

2. Colin (2011.08.12 - 10:38) #

... and if the badgers start rioting we're in the deep end, that's for sure!

« Equilibria

» Why do you ask?