A busy few weeks it's been:
we've moved into our new home. We'll take a few more months to actually unpack. Nice place, even closer to the station, room to move, awesome big kitchen. We have wooden counters, and paranoidly go around wiping up after ourselves in case we leave water stains. This is progress.
we've only just gotten our interwebs and phone and telly hooked up. 60 channels of crap, if you ask me. But the missus is way happy, which is what matters.
I've been rather productive study-wise without the interwebs to distract me. I'm still in a heap of doodoo though.
winter in the UK is awesome. Bleak and rainy and grey. If it snows over Christmas, as is tantalisingly hinted at by weather people who should never be trusted, that would be really awesome.
all politicians can sod right off, especially the ones in charge.