the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Boys and girls

Being slightly more serious about environmental issues, this is sobering stuff:

A picture is emerging of ubiquitous chemical contamination driving down sperm counts and feminising male children all over the developed world. And anti-pollution measures and regulations are falling far short of getting to grips with it.

I'm not saying climate change isn't a problem, but this strikes me as no less of a problem. I remember seeing a documentary about the effects of our exposure to increased oestrogen-like chemicals (largely from plastics) many years ago (as far back as in the 90s, perhaps?), and society didn't seem to be too fussed back then, and society doesn't seem too fussed right now.

The thing is, you wouldn't expect it to be difficult to market this as a problem: at the risk of resorting to trite stereotypes, you'd think that faced with the likelihood that their sons would end up with smaller tooties, look more like girls and be far less likely to provide grandchildren one day, most fathers (and mothers) would be seeing this problem as Environmental Public Enemy #1.


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