the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Eat a dog

Fido is causing fairies to die in the rain forests:

The eco-pawprint of a pet dog is twice that of a 4.6-litre Land Cruiser driven 10,000 kilometres a year, researchers have found

The only morally consistent conclusion is that dogs should be taxed heavily, and that they should be given MOTs, and when they get old and fart too much, they should be put down.

Not that I have anything against dogs - I love dogs - but if we don't wanna choke to death on the acid rain then we know what we have to do.



1. sandy (2009.10.29 - 08:07) #

I'll be watching you around Vlekkie and Meisie...

2. Ronwen (2009.10.29 - 15:30) #

We were hoping to have them for Christmas lunch! ;)

3. Colin (2009.10.30 - 17:23) #

Don't feed 'em gassy foods, Sandy...

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