the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

All the way home

A week of bicycle-riding progress. I woke up on Monday morning with a bee in my bonnet, and decided to try hopping off at Lewisham station, and cycling to work from there. 11 miles, nice and easy (mostly). That's my new morning routine. I've stuck with heading straight to Waterloo in the evenings, 'cause my legs are usually a bit rubbery on the way home and I can do the 6 miles without building up much of a sweat, so I don't feel too gross on the train.

Having conquered 11 miles, I starting thinking about skipping the train completely and cycling the full distance between the office and home: 17-odd miles. I figured I'd give myself another week or two before trying it. Then, tonight, my legs were feeling rather OK, which I have to admit hasn't been the case for most of the week. So I figured I'd see how I felt when I got to Vauxhaull Bridge - if I felt OK, I'd head back to Lewisham, and see how I felt at Lewisham. At Vauxhaull Bridge I felt fine, so I crossed the bridge and headed south. By Lewisham I was still feeling OK, so I decided to keep going.

Long story short, I cycled the whole way home. I managed 19 miles - the two extra being a few wrong turns. It took a little longer than I'd budgeted, but still not that much worse than the end-to-end commute I often do at night.

Don't think I'll do that every day just yet... but I'm pretty chuffed knowing I can do it.



1. hugo (2009.08.31 - 14:00) #

well done!


2. Colin (2009.09.02 - 17:23) #

Thanks! :-)

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