the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Barbecue summer

So I got a call today and my helmet had arrived, days earlier than I was expecting, and off I go, excited as can be, mission all the way to the bike shop on Waterloo Road, keen to get my helmet and get home and take my bike for a spin, and there I am, standing on the platform at Waterloo East, waiting for the train, thinking how cool it is to be in the UK in summer where the sun sets so late at night that I can get home at 8 and still go for a bike ride, and then the heavens open up, and it starts raining, not the normal foofy over-in-5-minutes drizzle the English call a shower, but real rain, precipitation, that's loud and wet and unapologetic, and 3 and a half hours later, it still hasn't stopped.


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