the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Hardy Heron

After my previous Linux installation broke and I barely noticed because I was spending most of my time in Windows playing Eve, I got around to reinstalling Ubuntu on my laptop recently, and I'm now running Hardy Heron. I don't know why, but I just couldn't get my fonts looking good in Gnome again. I'm not a fan of Gnome, but since the two apps I spend most of my time in (Firefox and Eclipse) both only have Gtk bindings, I was never too compelled to try alternatives.

With the font problem, I decided to take the plunge and try Xubuntu. I've fiddled with Xfce once or twice before, never done much more than poke around. This time I think it's for keeps. I'm glad to say that my fonts are displaying as nicely as can be, and I'm much taken by the look and feel. Is it genuinely lighter on memory and CPU than Gnome? I'm not sure, and it doesn't matter that much. It looks good and it feels good (even handling Gtk apps quite gracefully), and I'm chuffed.

Now the job of getting everything set up again...


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