the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Oh yes

Got my letter in the post this week, and when the University gets around to dishing out the little certificates, I'll be the proud holder of a BSc Honours degree in Computer Science, with distinction. Jolly good of them!

Part of me would love to study further, but UNISA's suggested Masters topics and research specialties weren't too interesting to me, and and studying through a UK university would just be too damned expensive. That, and with this being only the fourth year since I left high school in 1990 that I haven't been studying something or the other, I'm enjoying the freedom too much. Maybe next year ;-)



1. Wayne (2008.04.20 - 03:50) #

Hi Colin

Can I suggest an alternative for a Masters - the MCom in Computer Auditing at the University of Johannesburg. I recently obtained mine and I'm sure you would utterly ace it with your CA and BSc Hons. True, some writing skill is required but I don't see the problem there for you.

The only drawback you'd face is time, although it is quite quick and compressed over the space of two years and is more coursework based than other Masters. Just be aware that you write four five hour exams along the way - but again I'm sure you're familiar with those :).

I have to ask you something though since I'm caught between doing either a Doctorate, MBA or a more IT related degree next. Should I follow the path of doing a conventional IT degree, or what of the SSCP or CAP (see, since I'd like to focus on IT security and matters related to encryption?

In truth a Doctorate would be more an ego boost and I'm now hesitating doing an MBA.

2. Colin (2008.04.20 - 23:13) #

Cool, thanks. I've dropped you an email :-)

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