Review: Warlock, by Wilbur Smith
Quick review, I finished this just before the new year, and I haven't read anything since 'cause I'm studying hard (hardy har)
I've never been a big Wilbur Smith fan, the whole Adventure Under African Skies thing just ain't my bag. I found myself rather taken by Warlock, though. Set in long ago Egypt, it's the coming of age story of a young pharoah, his father murdered and his kingdom stolen by a traitor, and a warlock/shaman/holy man/eunuch who helps him achieve his destiny. Or is that Destiny? I dunno. At any rate, it was engrossing enough to want to carry on reading when I'd get home at night, which I always consider to be a good thing about a book.
The only thing I really didn't enjoy (apart from the incessant round buttocks and pert nipples which seem to betray certain tastes on Mr Smith's part) was the torture, brutality and cruelty. I hate using the word 'gratuitous', it makes one sound like an boring old fuddy-duddy, and I accept that it may be historically accurate, but there's only so much buggering by swords and the like I can take.
When exams are over I'm moving on to something with fairies and puppies.