the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Linkety link

So I was sitting around on the weekend, taking a break from doing anything important, and I thought to myself 'hey, I needs me a link blog'. So I fired up a MySQL client and ran some scripts and copied a .war file and tweaked some XML, and hey presto, I had a link blog (Update: which eventually turned into my tech blog).

Basically, I just wanted a place to dump all the links I pick up as I'm doing my daily thing, or researching particular topics. By publishing the links, I can add to the list wherever I am, linkees get some search engine luvvins and I can use search engines to go back and search through my own link collection when I need to. It's all good.

I've always battled a bit with this blog, because it's always been a bit schitzophrenic - technical, political, and personal. The link blog is also a hodge-podge, but it's really a tool for me, with no real designs of being useful to anyone else. Nonetheless, you might find it interesting to follow, just as likely you won't. I'm just writing this waffle 'cause it seems a bit silly not to mention that it's there.

(PS setting up a fresh instance of my blog app meant I uncovered a bug or two, and I've placed an updated version of the tco-blog [link long gone] app on my website.)


« Return an empty collection, not null

» Lousy weather