Pet project revisited
A week or two back I had a bit of an angsty ramble about choosing my pet projects for the year. I know that the main problem is that I often stuff around too much, and don't really feel like I'm getting anywhere with the things I do. So my plan is to pick a project, focus on it, finish it, and only then move on to something else.
At the same time, I've decided to try a little experiment and do things differently. The way I see it, talking more about what I'm doing, and making an effort to share things, code or even just notes and personal research, forces me to stay focused, stay tidy, and leaves me with a sense that there's a tangible outcome to whatever I'm busy with. On a selfish front, it's always good to build up an online portfolio, and on the altruistic front, it's always nice to know that you're the happy ending to the occasional person's Google search.
So with that in mind, the first project I'm going to start off with, is put up the code to my blog app. I don't expect anyone to want to use it, but maybe one or two people will find it useful. At the very least it won't just be a heap of code hidden on my hard drive. I've wanted to share it for ages, keep revisiting it and cleaning up bits and pieces, and then leave it again. So committing to getting it done, and actually wrapping it up, will be a good start to the year.