the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Medieval Christmas

It was cold and gusty tonight, but we made our way into town for the Wallingford Medieval Christmas festival. Crowds of people, good fun... hog roast, farmers' stalls, minstrels all kitted out, shops open, and many proprietors in period outfits. The only thing missing was some poor git in the stocks. We got to try roasted chestnuts, which might've tasted better if we'd grown up eating them. Like South Africans and milk tart.

The medieval battle re-enactment was a bit of a hoot. I think this involved the local LARPers being rounded up, getting to very quickly choreograph a bit of a set-to, and then being sent out into the town square to do and die. After rather convincingly having at it for a while, they did some sort of (presumably) semi-traditional war-cry, shook their arsenal of large pointy cultural weapons menacingly and then hauled out the wine. I had a chuckle at the prospect of seeing a bunch of armed-to-the-teeth people getting all boozed up, but we (perhaps prudently) moved on before seeing any re-enactments of ye olde medieval drunkenne brawle.

Off to Oxford tomorrow. Burger King, here I come!


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