the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Devil's Day

There was no bloggery last night (there was moviery instead), so I missed the opportunity to mark the passing of this millennium's Devil's Day. Better late than never.

What were you doing at 06:06:06 06/06/06? I was brushing my teeth. I'm hardcore.



1. Chris Whisonant (2006.06.07 - 18:59) #

I have you beat - I was asleep!

2. Dean (2006.06.07 - 19:22) #

Driving to work listening to radio tuks with guys phoning in about any weird exp (one guy saying his wife didnt give him much lip that time as she usually does) so no doom to report

3. Leslie Viljoen (2006.06.10 - 19:53) #

Hmm, I was at the hospital that day with my daughter

4. Colin (2006.06.10 - 21:01) #

Erk... I hope she's OK? :-(

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