World Cup Burgers
McDonalds is releasing a World Cup burger which is 40% bigger than a Big Mac, (which will probably nudge it into the realm of respectable-sized burgers in this country), and this Sky News article (via CherryFlava) details how there's a big outcry in the UK about it.
I have two comments on the article.
First, a hamburger is not a frigging sandwich! A sandwich is one or more slices of bread with stuff on or between. Something wedged in a roll is, well, a couple of things depending on what you put in it, but it's not a bloody sandwich. I don't know if it's just a foreign turn of phrase where people in the US or the UK go around saying 'ooh, I'd like me a tasty McDonalds Quarter Pounder With Cheese sandwich today', or if it's just stupid-ass marketing-speak, but it must go.
Second, Liberal Democrat MP Steve Webb and the 'outraged' health campaigners can all just sod off. It's not even a polite 'people are concerned' anymore, it's fury and outrage. People enjoying themselves? People making unhealthy lifestyle choices? Oh, the humanity! Woe! How dare they!
Yes, we all eat too much and we're all fat and unhealthy. That's irrelevant. How long before quaint notions like 'freedom' and 'personal responsibility' become nothing more than outlawed anachronisms?
If McDonalds ZA decides to flog these World Cup burgers, I'm gonna buy some just on principle.