the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Hello world (again)

If you're reading this, it means The Corner Office version 2 is live, and I didn't screw the conversion up.

RSS feed links should be redirected to their new homes for now, and if most feed readers are smart enough to handle redirects, all should be dandy. Eventually I'll create dummy feeds with a 'hey, I've moved!' entry, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to point your RSS reader to one of the new links:

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Now it's just a matter of waiting for DNS changes to propagate, and hope nothing breaks too badly. If you run into problems, please let me know.



1. Ronwen (2006.03.27 - 07:27) #

Lookin' good!

2. Ert (2006.03.27 - 09:46) #

Nice work, your BlogRoll link is MIA !

3. Colin (2006.03.28 - 18:44) #

Thank'ee both. Ert, there are still a number of pages I have to clean up and move across, including the blogroll... hopefully soon!

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