the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Gettin' down

On nights when I leave the office a little later, the accountant in me enjoys listening to the MoneyWeb Power Hour while driving home. I was listening a few weeks ago and by chance, they'd started a new thing and were explaining the rationale: instead of playing the usual jingle, they were shaking things up a bit and playing rock and roll music instead. Of the jingle. Meaning you got a few bars of 'Start Me Up' and then back to talking. I thought it was quite a funny thing and figured ole Alec Hogg would soon get feedback that it was a bit daft and move back to the jingles.

Not so. Today I was driving home, and the 'theme' song for tonight's show was Black Sabbath's Paranoid. The most incongruous thing I've ever heard. "Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind" Duh duhnduh duh duh duhnduh, "right, on to the market report."



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