Monthly Gentoo upgrade
The monthly Gentoo upgrade, since it's nearly monthend and I have a heap of bandwidth left. Just as well, emerge world
chomped nearly 300 megs. There's always something that goes wobbly.
This month's gripe is that Gnome got upgraded from 2.10 to 2.12, and the Nautilus browser, which I still don't like but still plod on with, has changed the way it scales fonts in its list view, so now I'm stuck with either huge icons or unreadably small text. I did a bit of digging around, and these notes are just here for me to come back when I'm done with exams.
- A post on the Gentoo forums also griping about Icon view font sizes in 2.10. Contains a suggested patch to fix the way Nautilus does its scaling. I'm sure a similar change can be made for List views.
- A follow-on bug on Gentoo's bugzilla.
- Same issue on Gnome's bugzilla.
- File where the scaling seems to get done: fm-list-view.c (method: fm_list_view_scale_font_size)