the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Ice age

This is pretty grim news (via Fodder). There's some weird stuff going down with the currents in the North Atlantic, and there are some sensationalist/serious fears that Europe is heading for new (mini) ice age. I mean, a new ice age would be pretty cool if it meant the Woolly Mammoths were coming back, because they rock, but on the down side it would mean a lot of hunger and misery and death and, well, ice.



1. Chris Whisonant (2005.12.02 - 05:17) #

It's interesting that global warming is going to cause an ice age! Gotta love that...

2. Colin (2005.12.02 - 10:37) #

What, no woolly mammoths? ;-)

3. Colin (2005.12.03 - 06:48) #

More seriously, it does seem counterintuitive, but read for eg:

I'm not really qualified to judge the merits of the arguments - my only feeling is that if there are warning signs we should heed them. If they turn out to be false alarms, great, but if they're not...

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