Birthday, exams, PC
Haven't blogged in a bit, hereisthenews:
I hit the big 33 last week. I've decided that 33 is the age at which you can no longer pretend that you're a thirty-something who doesn't belong there. It seems to mark the transition from 'early 30s' to 'mid 30s'. And, it doesn't really have a nice ring to it. Come to think of it, 34, 35 etc etc don't have nice rings to them either.
Ronwen's finished her exam stretch, and all seems to have gone quite well. We're looking forward to returning to a more sane culinary regimen again. I, on the other hand, have about 2 months before I start exams, and the weeks are whizzing by a little too fast for comfort. Two months sounds like a long time, but dividing that by the number of subjects I have to cover doesn't leave much wiggle room. Still, it's doable, with a bit of discipline.
Which brings to my next topic. As if I didn't need more distractions, I finally bought myself a new PC. My current machine had gotten decidedly long in the tooth, and I'd put off getting a new machine for long enough. I decided to leap into the world of AMD 64 with a respectable, if not completely beastly machine. While I went for an old fashioned 32-bit Windows XP Pro install (it's going to be a dual-boot), my intention is to get Gentoo's AMD 64 distribution running on it, because I'm a silly bastard who loves a challenge and making life difficult for myself. I'm in the set-up stages of doing the install at the moment, so I'll leave the geek waffle for another post once I've made a bit more progress.