the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

MySQL week

I was given the credits I needed, so freedom reigned supreme this week. (I was asked to do the final assignment anyway, so that'll be this weekend's job).

I started fiddling with my new blog app again. First step was to convert everything from PostgreSQL to MySQL. That was supposed to be a quick 'tweak-some-SQL-here-n-there' sort of affair. Yeerrrrssss.

To be honest, SQL-wise, it wasn't too bad. I learned that PostgreSQL is a touch more forgiving of sloppy SQL than MySQL is (oddly enough). The real schlep came with upgrading from MySQL 4.0 to 4.1. It sparked all sorts of fix-reverse-dependency rebuilding and whatnot, coinciding with the monthly emerge world. Bugzilla broke, all sorts of apps rely on mysql object files, and a Perl module or two needed prodding to the ways of virtue.

Thankfully though, it seems (mostly) done, and I can now import from Notes into MySQL and click through just about everything. I felt a bit guilty leaving PostgreSQL, which is something of the underdog compared to MySQL, but since I have quite a few things relying on MySQL already, it makes sense to stick with one DB server. Also, it's completely unscientific, but I could swear that the new blog feels just a wee bit zippier with MySQL. That doesn't really make sense and there shouldn't be any difference with a single user, but I'll take it as a good omen anyway.



1. Brendon Upson (2005.10.24 - 04:48) #

mySQL is faster, mostly because it doesn't enforce referential integrity. I find mySQL great for early development, but postgres better for production data. Your milage may vary.

2. Colin (2005.10.24 - 20:46) #

True... I see there's also some interesting discussion about this at TheServerSide today...<br><br><a href=""></a>

3. Adeleida (2006.08.11 - 08:07) #

Hi Colin ;) Good to see you're still fitting the rocket science in, between the studies!

Are you using the old LotusScript & ODBC effort for your Notes/MySQL import or something more elegant? And, if so... don't you want to share it please (if it is not too proprietary to your blog). We are due for an OsCommerce/Notes integration soon and would love to know if there is a better way to do it.

4. Colin (2006.08.14 - 17:34) #

Hi Adeleida... I must admit there was an on-disk XML file between, so there was no LS to RDBMS magic this time around ;-)

I did a fair bit of lsxodbc and JDBC-and-Notes work in the past, but that was a few years ago and I don't have any of the code. I also have no idea what LEI is like these days, but drop me a mail if you need any help or pointers!

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