Rain and logic
Last night saw a really weird storm in Joburg. First "rains" of the season, but it was far too much dust-storm and wind and too little actual precipitation. Today's been overcast(ish), so everybody's hoping we get some real drenching rain out of all of this. At least just something to settle the damned dust.
Work's busy as can be, and the assignment death march continues. I've gotten through a few since last week's Info Security, and I'm on Formal Logic at the moment. It's always been the one subject I dread each year, but this stuff isn't bad. To be honest, it's mainly just riffing on the same old themes we've been doing in AI and the like over the past 2 years, so it's quite doable, notwithstanding one of the most cryptic textbooks I've ever read. I had to double-check something last night, so I cracked open my Logic textbooks from first and second year. I found myself thinking 'how quaint'. I never thought I'd find myself looking back at some of that work on formal proofs with anything remotely resembling fondness, but there you go.
Ronwen's folks are coming to visit us this weekend, so it's a bit of a rush to get everything semi-spring cleaned. I wonder if we can blame the general state of our home's 2-students-in-full-swing disrepair on the dust storms?