the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Assignment, dindins, assignment

The week's been a bit of a blur, largely because of the dratted AI assignment(s). I was hoping to be done by Thursday night, which became Friday night, which became Saturday morning, and ended up being Saturday night. Thankfully though, things started to fall into place, and I'm a bit more comfy with the concepts than I was a week ago. Here's just hoping the lecturers don't reject the assignments 'cause they were too late.

The drudge was broken for a bit this evening; it was L's 30th, and we (being the usual suspects) went to Giovanni's at Banbury Cross Village. Pricey restaurant, but the portions more than make up for it and the food was rather good, especially the Pavlova; notwithstanding that they lug the cake dishes from table to table in a less than subtle sales gimmic, and I couldn't help but wonder how many dozens of people had oohed, aahed and breathed over the cakes by the time they got to us.

Some headed off to the Red Room after dinner, but we came home and I carried on with my assignments (sad, sad, sad). Got the last AI assignment done and submitted online about an hour ago, and I've been reading through the next assignment (Info Security). I enjoy the subject, but the assignments boil down to 'Discuss X (no more than 10 pages), Discuss Y (about 8 pages), Discuss Z (no more than 50404040 pages.)' I sincerely doubt that the lecturers actually read ten-page summaries of the textbook and journal articles, so I can only presume that we're being put through this because the lecturers think that the ability to write long, extended treatises on stuff is going to be a really valuable thing in later academic years. Or perhaps they're just mean.

I've taken to hauling the old Deep Purple and Uriah Heep CDs into the car. Ronwen's taking this rather good-naturedly - for now - but after a week of listening to the Smiths over and over and over and over again, I needed a bit of a change.


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