the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Red night, shepherd's delight

What weird (but nice) weather. After a drearily boring and dry bland-blue-sky winter, it was overcast this afternoon/evening, and we had our first semi-rain shower tonight. I'm not sure if this is just odd weather or a sign that spring is trying to get a foot in the door, but it was a welcome change. I'd like to say I think it's springtime, because there's always that one day, or moment, when you get a whiff of the air and you notice that it smells and feels different to how it has been. That's always what nudges over my internal season clock, and this afternoon was my new-feel-in-the-air moment. Given that it was overcast and the air pressure was obviously changing, it's hardly a surprise, I suppose. Either way, it is a reminder that winter's nearly over, and what a poor excuse for a winter it's been. With all the talk of global warming and climate change it's hard not to read anything ominous into it, but it's been a mild, mild winter, and that seems to have been the trend for the past few years. I can't remember when last we had a really cold winter on the Highveld.

Anyway, today (well, yesterday, now) was Women's Day, and it was nice to have the day off (yay for women!). I wish I could say I did something fun on what's basically the last weekday public holiday until December, but I spent it working on university assignments which I'm horrendously behind with. Due dates have been zinging by like bullets in an A-Team episode. Yet again, I've been working on a 'mental block' chunk of work, where what I really need to do is devote two or three days to the stuff without interruption, but just can't get going, and because I can't get going, the work just feels more and more impenetrable. The fact that time's running out has also added to the pressure. Not much longer, though.

Nothing else to report, really. My 200 gig??? hard drive was starting to get a bit clogged up, but I was shuffling some stuff around and messing with backup scripts, and realised that I was wasting a ton of space on old Gentoo backups from many many months ago, that I'd completely forgotten about. Those got deleted and there's some legs in m'drives yet. Yes, that's a very sad thing to blog about, but in a way, not really, because along with new-season smells, cleaning up one's hard drives is truly one of life's simple pleasures.


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