the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Honest Injun

Waaay back when I was a kid I remember watching - hmm, it must've been Three's Company, and there was a line where Jack was all heartbroken about someone lying to him or breaking up with him or something, and the line went something like "(s)he even said honest injun" and the other person went "oh, honest injun, that's low" and made sympathetic mortified sounds and cue canned laughter.

The problem was that back then it just sounded like "onnastinjin" and I never knew what the hell it meant. Easily two decades later, that phrase would still come back every now and then and bug me 'cause I had no idea what this 'onnastinjin' thing was supposed to be. Then a few minutes ago, with mp3s of some obscure and long-forgotten goth band that I've listened and re-listened to a zillion times over playing in the background, I sat up and caught a lyric 'blah blah honest indian (with emphasis) blah blah'. "Hey!" thoughts I as a few synapses fired, and after a quick google I found a discussion on the etymology and meaning of the phrase "Honest Injun."

My life is now complete.


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