It's been a hectic stretch at work, and I haven't had energy for much more than plonking on the couch in the evenings and reading. The stress is over now, and tomorrow I have a very welcome day off. I was pretty chuffed about getting back into a normal routine again, but I hardly feel too chipper after today's terror attacks in London.
Too close to home - worrying about family and friends (one of whom might have been on one of those trains if she hadn't had the day off) - a rush of phone calls and SMSs and emails, but so far nobody we know was involved. Thankfully for us, but less fortunate for many. Isn't it so sadly ironic that the most cosmopolitan, culturally mixed and probably tolerant cities - New York a few years ago, and London today (and I suspect Madrid wasn't very different) - bear the brunt of this madness?