Back to school
Something else that happened during the recent tumult is that I've rejoined the ranks of economically productive members of society and y'know, started working again. It sounds silly, but I didn't want to mention it at first in case I jinxed it, or it didn't work out or something. But it's all good, I'm learning new things and experiencing new things and loving it. Seeing other parts of the IT world and moving into more 'mainstream' development has been the Master Plan for years, and at times it felt like a jump I'd never be able to make; but I've managed to spread my wings a bit, and I'm now getting to do fun stuff with Java and J2EE for a living.
I've decided to take the more careful/paranoid approach and keep work and blogging totally separate, so that I can stay relatively opinionated and 'free' here and not worry about it turning into drama back at the office. Not that I'm doing anything high profile or important or significant, but rather safe than sorry.
So yep, I'm working again after a delightfully long 'sabbatical,' I'm having a ball, and in case any of my geek readers have been wondering why I've had progressively less and less to say about Notes (that's a bit of a bittersweet thing), now you know why. I guess I'll have progressively more and more to say about the new things I'm working with and learning about, so hopefully that'll make up for it.