the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

I'm still around...

It's not like I'm living in a complete funk every day. I have ups and downs. It's a bit hard to map that regular blogging, though. You can't go from "my mom died" to "here's a cool link about inconsequential crap" without seeming a little, well, off colour. At the same time I don't want to talk about "grieving" and publically feeling sorry for myself either. So I just haven't blogged.

But I got a call last night from halfway around the globe, and got reminded that my blog is more than just words into the ether. People read it, and the most important part of it is being able to talk and connect with the handful of friends, and family, and readers I barely know, but who take the time to take an interest in my life. And that was enough to get me wanting to write again. So this is just a hello to all of you who're kind or crazy or bored enough to read my blog. Thanks for reading, thanks for your words and prayers. The blogging rate should start picking up again...



1. sandy (2005.04.18 - 09:26) #

In your own time...

« My mom passed away

» Damned taxis