Better than Pope On A Rope
A lot of people see the continued rise of the Christian Right in the USA as a worrying thing. But it's not all doom, gloom, fire and brimstone. It's also a great business opportunity.
For instance, if you're that way inclined, you can now buy His Essenceā¢: a patent-pending, trademarked candle that smells like Jesus.
The story is told in this NBC slideshow. Psalm 45 says that when JC returns he'll be smelling of myrrh, aloes and cassia. So some aunty mixed up some oils to see what he'd smell like. Then got talking to a candlemaker. The next thing you know, they've flogged over 10,000 candles at $18 a pop, putting inventory in over 200 stores in more than 20 US states.
(Via The Agitator)