the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

SA Blog Awards

The nominations are in and voting is open for the 2005 SA Blog Awards.

Many of the usual suspects are there, and deservedly so. But it's something to see how the SA blogging world has exploded - I've never seen half the blogs on the list. How many more weren't even shortlisted? When I first started blogging I'd sub to every South African blog I found, just because they were there. The community, so to speak, was pretty small and a new blogger joining the ranks was quite an event. No longer. It's been something to see the growth since I started in 2003, and I can only imagine what some of the real early adopters who've been doing it for even longer must think. I wonder what it'll be like in another year's time?



1. Wayne (2005.02.24 - 16:32) #

Here's hoping for some more blogs with indepth analysis in other areas of speciality. Sometimes it's a bit frustrating to find so few.

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