Thank golly. I'm now a Sun Certified Java Programmer. I kept rather quiet about it because at first I figured that if I failed I'd just let the occasion quietly slip by ;-) All's well though. To prepare for it I relied on the various tutorials and mock exams listed at JavaRanch. Eventually, I was confident that I'd pass, but the only downside to JavaRanch is that you get the whole paraat "100% or bust" vibe from many of the people there and unlike, say, varsity exams where a pass is all that matters, I started having nightmares about being in a job interview one day and getting the "so, you only got 53% for your SCJP? What half of the language don't you know?" Thankfully I ended up scoring 95%, which suits me just fine. :-)
I'm planning to chase a few more Sun certs, and so I'm slowly making my way through a few of the Head First books. So far, I'm enjoying them. I'll see if I still feel that way in a few weeks' time.