Carrying on with the studies topic, I got the official letters from UNISA, and my degree is being awarded with distinction. Yay!
Now the graduation looms and I have to decide whether to go or not. I must admit I'm not a big pomp and ceremony person, and I've never been to any of my graduations. I've had three 'graduations' from 3 universities in the past: my BCom from Wits, my Honours from UNISA, and my HDip Tax from RAU. I skipped all of them. I've just never seen the point in sitting in a hall full of people I don't know and twiddling my thumbs through a drawn-out ceremony for the privilege of getting to walk across the stage and bow down to some dude who doesn't know me from a bar of soap and posing for overpriced photographs while wearing robes I just rented for the occasion.
I know I'm a negative git, and it probably sounds very glib, but getting the degree in the post is a lot less effort. On the other hand, this holds a lot more personal significance for me than the things I studied before. So perhaps I should go? Or am I just feeling guilty about being a stick in the mud? Maybe I can just drape a black curtain around myself and get Ronwen to take some pics? The grandkids will never know... ;-)