the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Got my degree!

Good news is that I got my UNISA results this weekend. I passed all 8 subjects, and got 5 distinctions! So as soon as the University has done their admin stuff and confirmed my results, I'll be the proud owner of a BSc in Computer Science. Yay!

(Most frightening of all, after whingeing for 2 years about how I just couldn't zen with Formal Logic, I got 90% for the damned subject. Go figure...)

Now for Honours :-)



1. Vitor Pereira (2004.12.14 - 12:08) #

Congratulations Colin,

This has been a good week for you!


2. Henning Heinz (2004.12.14 - 12:48) #

Congratulations from me too.
Now hurry, become a CIO and get rich.
All the best for you


3. sandy (2004.12.14 - 13:29) #

Well done to you and Ronwen for doing so well & passing all your exams despite the obstacles!! I can't imagine how difficult it must have been!! Big round of applause!!

4. Ben Poole (2004.12.14 - 13:52) #

Excellent news, congratulations! A good end to 2004 what with closing off the other unpleasantness too... onwards!

5. Tom Nichols (2004.12.15 - 11:56) #

Congratulations! Amazing bit of garbage you've been through (I know how exhausting that kind of thing can be) and you were able to focus on your education at the same time. Impressive.

6. jonvon (2004.12.15 - 16:18) #

dude, CONGRATS sir!

an auspicious moment! :-)

7. Ben Langhinrichs (2004.12.15 - 19:36) #

Way cool! Congratulations!

8. Rock (2004.12.17 - 17:03) #

Congrats!! Woohoo!!!

9. senkwe (2004.12.19 - 14:08) #

Excellent!! A hearty congratulations and welcome to the club!!

10. Vaz Lube (2004.12.20 - 09:16) #


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