the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Yes, I see

Waaaay back in 1989 or so, at the height of my cycling days, I borrowed a video tape from our local cycle shop owner, containing the 1988 or 9 Milk Race through Britain, recorded off of MNET at the time. I still have the tape, although it's a Betamax tape and I've no way of getting to the contents. At the very end of this tape, was the first 5 minutes of "The Fiendish Plot of Dr Fu Manchu." Peter Sellers as the 168 year old Dr Fu Manchu, playing the pipe organ at his birthday, and his elixir vitae getting wasted by a servant whose arm catches fire. Ever since, I've wanted to watch the rest of that movie.

Finally, it was on eTV tonight. Sad to say, the movie didn't quite meet the expectations that had been lingering for the last 15 years. Some delightfully obscure Peter Sellers stuff, but by no means brilliant, and the ending was an outright disappointment. I am glad I finally got to see it though!



1. Stan Rogers (2004.11.25 - 21:49) #

You know, that's the kind of thing that turns up on the television just after I've spent a couple of hours raving about the late Mr. Sellers to someone far too young to remember. They watch, then think me a moron for the next several months until somethng better comes along. Why is it never something with the subtlety of, say, Being There or the hilarious "That is a priceless Steinway!" "Not anymore..." bit?

2. Colin (2004.11.27 - 13:28) #

I must admit my Sellers education is terribly limited, as much as I've enjoyed the few of his movies I've seen. The problem is, they're all so damned old these days that you just don't find 'em at the local DVD rental store.

3. Vaz Lube (2004.11.29 - 15:18) #

You can get Pink Panther DVD set off any online retailer.

Same goes for Dr Strangelove.

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