Grassy knolls
I forgot to note that I watched "In the line of fire" on eTV on Thursday night. I remember seeing this on the big screen as well. Clint Eastwood does a good job of carrying off the grouchy old Secret Service agent who froze when JFK took a bullet, and can now redeem himself by protecting the incumbent $GENERIC_TWAT from the evil John Malkovich who's an ex-CIA agent with a serious chip and all that, but I thought that the whole romance thing with Rene Russo was a bit unlikely. I mean, ole Klunt, cool as he is, musta been like 105 when he made that movie. The romance is sweet and engaging but ultimately I sat there thinking "this dude'll be impotent and drooling on his bib by the time they get back from honeymoon." Really.
The movie also got me to thinking... if you had a poll along the lines of "modern US presidents most likely to get whacked," you'd have to consider that the current incumbent is high up on that list. Rich...! joked about it after the election, but I have to imagine that Bush, or at the least the people appointed to keep him from pulling a Kennedy who don't share his own convictions of Divine Appointment, don't sleep too easily at night.