the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Now I've seen it all...

Neuticles... artificial uh, implants for neutered pets:

Neuticles allowing your pet to retain his natural look, self esteem and aids in the trauma associated with neutering.

With Neuticles- It's like nothing ever changed!

Well, why not, I suppose?

I can't look at the Sizing Chart and Pricing without cracking up.

(via Radley Balko)



1. Ben Langhinrichs (2004.11.11 - 20:46) #

I am trying hard to think of something clever to say... but I am simply speechless.

2. Ronwen (2004.11.11 - 22:01) #

Ooh, more from Colin's Bizarro world!

3. Duffbert (2004.11.12 - 03:48) #

Um... under "Description" it lists stuff such as 65 - 90 pounds... Please tell me that's the size of the dog and not the "neuticals".... Cuz that would be one major set of cojones...

4. Tom (2004.11.15 - 14:09) #

This is the absolute stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life! Unless it's a joke--- then it's clever and funny as hell.

« Birthday weekend and exam

» Computer Theory: another to me (I hope)