the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Birthday weekend and exam

I spent the weekend studying so I didn't get to do too much fun stuff for my birthday. Ronwen made a fuss of me all day and cooked up a storm on Saturday night. I need to have birthdays more often :-)

Today was my Formal Logic exam. The first exam in ages in which I wrote the paper feeling fairly confident about the entire thing. Perhaps it was just a result of being completely sleep-deprived and I actually buggered everything up, but I hope not. I'm chuffed that I finally grokked it. I've had a huge mental block about the subject. I just couldn't get going, battled to get into it. The reason, I think, is that it's a lot like other Maths subjects: you need to let things percolate. Cramming doesn't work like some other subjects where you can rely on real-world experience or waffling, because with subjects like Logic it's only with practice and letting the concepts bounce around inside your noggin that you get anywhere. So I'm glad that for this exam, things finally fell into place. (Again, hopefully). And may I never write another Logic exam again.

Two exams left. Going to be a busy week.


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