Gentoo: not for the bandwidth-challenged
I did a quick emerge sync
and I'm going to have to pull down over 300 megs to get my system upgraded. OK, admittedly that's mainly 70 megs for an updated version of xorg-x11, and 210 megs for the latest version of OpenOffice!
That's madness. If I actually liked OpenOffice, I might be less resentful.
I'm wondering if I shouldn't take this opportunity to move my system from Gentoo's stable package line (x86) to its unstable (~x86) line. Living on the edge, risk-taking hip-with-the-times dude and all that. Problem is, that would involve 600 megs of downloading, and enough compiling to make my little Athlon gulp in fear. Perhaps month-end. I'll save my bandwidth for other things for now.
The really cool thing is that I've finally proven to myself that I can live mainly, if not solely in Linux. There are a number of tweaks I need to make it really homely, and I'm not sure if the Notes client will behave once I start doing more serious development with it... but I've not used Windows in anger for nearly 3 weeks, and that's a first for me.