the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

And so it begins

Well, just an hour to go before the start of the Great Exams of 2004. I hate this feeling of knowing that I'm not as ready as I should be and I promised myself that this year would be a whole lot different, but there you go. It's not like I have any excuses either, but I've been enjoying being on holiday for so long that my "full-time student" ruse cast me less in the role of the super-diligent student I was in the early years of my first degree, and more as the lazy-ass slacker of the later years of my first degree.

I'm consoling myself with something I said to a friend of mine a few minutes ago - unlike a decade ago with Degree The First, a second degree as a grown-up means that if you bugger up you don't have to worry about your parents getting upset with you. That's supposed to remove the jitters, but it's not working. I'm not sure which is worse - other people's expectations or my own. That blasted work ethic thing again.

Phew. Anyway. It's time to gooi on my takkies, go buy some Super-C's and an Energade and do this thing. Once more, into the breach...



1. sandy (2004.10.11 - 13:38) #

Hope it went well today. Don't beat yourself up about how well you do. Just compare yourself to me (as is common practice for many siblings) and you'll start to feel so much better about yourself!! I only sit 2 exams every six months and I can't even get that right!

2. Ronwen (2004.10.11 - 13:53) #

We got through this every year. Fretting until results come out, and what happens? Distinctions!

Do not stress!

3. Ben Poole (2004.10.11 - 14:33) #

Hope it all went well! Ah, you'll do fine :o)

4. Colin (2004.10.11 - 17:35) #

Thanks folks, not too bad at all. Tomorrow *will* suck though, but round one to me! :)

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