the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Rogue eyebrows

I have to share this: Julian Robichaux on rogue eyebrow hairs.

Now I'll admit, one very unexpected thing that's happened to me as I've gotten older is that I've managed to grow a couple of "rogue" eyebrow hairs. Normally your eyebrows, eyelashes, arm hairs, etc. grow to a certain pre-determined length and then stop growing. For some reason, a couple of years ago I noticed that one of the hairs on one of my eyebrows decided to ignore nature and just keep on keeping on. By the time I caught wind of this scheme, the hair in question was almost the length of the brow itself, although it was hiding quite cleverly within the other hairs, all tucked away and weaved in there. A few times I tried trimming it, but it would always grow back. Eventually I started plucking it out, at which point another hair temporarily took its place, and then the original hair grew back, and then I had two mutant eyebrow hairs to deal with.

The subject matter's quite topical in the Miller-Pretorius household...



1. Gareth (2004.10.12 - 09:38) #

It has also a topic in our household as well. I have had "mutant" eyebrows for years, and rogue long hairs on the outside of my ear.
My Bat Wing eyebrows are quite a topic of conversation amongst the younger generation.


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