the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Blown m'ADSL cap

Well, as they say in the vernacular, that's 3 gigs in sy moer in, and we'll be stuck with virtually no international bandwidth until month-end (although I haven't noticed the slowdown, yet). I truly do hate Telkom.



1. Wayne (2004.09.26 - 03:18) #

Can't you buy more bandwidth until the end of the month? I'm under the impression that that option is possible.

2. Colin (2004.09.26 - 23:24) #

I probably could with MWEB, but it grates me to have to cough up for another 3 gigs with only a few days left in the month.

(and I can't think of anything I desperately need to download internationally to fill up another 3 gigs, that I haven't already sucked down from local mirrors since yesterday. I've added another 2 gigs from Internet Solutions since this post ;)

3. sandy (2004.09.27 - 09:21) #

I'm not particularly clued up on all this stuff, but why is there a cap? Why isn't it unlimited? Is there anyway of getting unlimited access from another supplier?

4. Colin (2004.10.01 - 00:06) #

To be honest, it's to keep bandwidth hogs like me under control. 3 gigs is on the low side though, and pricewise it's a bloody insult compared to the rest of the civilised world. Telkom's infrastructure supposedly can't handle it. Yet if you're willing to buy up extra bandwidth, then they can. Go figure.

Since Telkom have a monopoly over ADSL connectivity and ISPs just on-sell the accounts, even ISPs like MWEB are basically beholden to the rules that Telkom sets down - and ISPs who sell extra bandwidth are basically selling you a second account's worth of bandwidth and taking care of the admin. It's noo *too* expensive, but at about R200 for another 3 gigs of traffic, it still raises my hackles.

In short: Telkom are monopolistic sharks. Viva deregulation viva!

5. Michael de Haas (2004.10.05 - 10:53) #

Just to p you off further. Try 25 euros per month for a 1M ADSL connection capped to 5Gig. For 30Euros per month, get unlimited. (Or 2Mb with the 5 gb cap :-) Sorry, I just had too gloat, have too make up for the lack of sunshine somehow, what a nerd!!

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