the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Firefox: Testify!

Get Firefox!Spread Firefox is Mozilla's marketing division, so to speak. Firefox evangelists. Their goal was to drive 1 million downloads of Firefox Preview Release within 10 days. Well, think again:

In just under 100 hours, we have smashed through our one million download campaign--with 6 days still to go! This is the fastest adoption rate we have ever experienced, higher than every previous Firefox release.

Hard to believe that this has come from that crappy old Netscape browser that old Net diehards used until it was so pitifully outclassed by the then stonking Internet Explorer that not even blind loyalty could keep it going.

As I've said before (over a year ago), what also warms my heart is that Firefox is in many ways a big "in your eye" to the naysayers who complained about the slow progress the Mozilla team made in the beginning. Sure, Firefox has a long way to go before it leads in the browser war, if it ever does - but who cares? What matters is that there's a secure, stable, cross-platform, standards-compliant, and all-round rocking piece of software available for those who want it. What is equally important is that users have a high-quality piece of software that puts users, and not corporate interests, first.

So I'm doing my bit to spread the revolution: if you're still using Internet Explorer, do yourself a favour and give Firefox a try.



1. Brendon Upson (2004.09.20 - 05:32) #

Now that I'm a Mac convert, Firefox is the only "real" alternative to a decent browser on that platform, so convert I did.

The mac comes with ie5.2!! puhleeez!

Safari is not bad but still not as mature as firefox.


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