the corner office

a blog, by Colin Pretorius

Annihilate! Kill! Kill! Kill!

SABC is having a Tim Burton fest of sorts. Last night was "Edward Scissorhands", and tonight "Mars Attacks!"

Mars Attacks has one of my favourite movie lines, from Rod Steiger playing the trigger-happy general:

Nuke 'em! Nuke 'em now! ... Annihilate! Kill! Kill! Kill!

If memory serves, that used to be the greeting message on my cell phone aeons ago.

Also watched "Gothika" on DVD today. Which is to say, Ronwen hired it, I wasn't keen on the wailing and dying in the beginning, but when I got tired of !@#$%^& tinkering with &^%$#@ old PCs, I plonked down on the couch and watched the rest of it as well.

Basically the same old "people-think-I'm-nuts-but-the-deeeminz-iz-after-me" stuff. Entertaining but predictable. I still don't understand how the movie's name tied into the plot, though.


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