Old computers
In 2002 my old PIII died with a fried motherboard. About a year ago, my old MMX which had been serving me faithfully as a gateway and web server and general Linux sandbox gave up the ghost as well. I've been half-heartedly looking around for replacement mobos for ages, but I finally got my A into G and got lucky. I found a small company in Wynberg that flogs refurbished old computer components, and (as I discovered when I visited them), repairs components as well. I got both motherboards sorted for 200 bucks, which is far less than what some people ask for on BidOrBuy, and these mobos now have a 3 month warranty on them. They could blow again, but they worked fine in the electrician's "PC-without-a-case" contraptions in his workshop, so I'm hopeful.
The real fun is going to be remembering how to wire up a 7 year old AT motherboard again. Watch this space.